Showing fine honeycomb porous structure within the ceramic sand, these micropores are closed, but not connected, the quality of ceramic sand is very light and has a very broad role in agriculture and construction.
Ceramic sand in accordance with the intensity can be divided into several categories? In general can be divided into two categories, high-strength ceramic sand and ceramic sand.
Ordinary ceramic sand has good performance, a wide range of applications. Ordinary ceramsite structural strength label is less than 25MPa material with light crude set new standard according to GB / T 17431.1-1998. Wider application of ordinary ceramsite, great market potential.
The lower yield in the production of high-strength ceramsite, energy-consuming large, high value-added sales price than the ultra-light ceramsite ordinary ceramsite about 50%. High Grade and prestressed lightweight aggregate concrete with high strength ceramsite must be homogeneous.
According to GB / T 17431.1-1998 new standard, high-strength ceramsite intensity label is not less than 25MPa structure of light crude set of material. Its technical requirements in addition to the density levels, the cylinder compressive strength, the intensity of label, water absorption, specific indicators, other indicators with the same ultra-light, ordinary ceramsite.